Is your brand ready for Facebook Timeline?

This post is part of a series written by zcomm interns. Be sure to check back each week for their take on the latest in the public relations industry. This week, Hailey discusses Facebook Timeline in preparation for the switch on March 30.

Facebook has been gradually forcing its users to switch over to the new timeline format and it’s now available for companies and brands, too. On March 30 every page will automatically become a timeline and rather than just letting it happen, I recommend preparing for the change in order to fully utilize all the new features. Here are a few things to know to get started:

  • Pictures: The new layout has capability to create splashy, media-rich pages. Instead of clicking from tab to tab, photos are nicely laid out and easily accessible. Having pictures directly on the page makes it more aesthetically pleasing.

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zcomm ad in PR Week

Pr_week_ad_6 Our recent “cheeky” ad in PRWeek saying “for a small agency, we’ve got a wide stance” was meant to capture readers’ attention, but to also do more than that.

Too many agencies toot their own horn saying they have the best creative or are the gurus of strategic planning or the boss of branding.  We decided to put our money where our mouth is and show folks we’re creative vs. just telling them.

We used the recent “wide stance” angle because we knew it “had legs” and that everyone would immediately know what we were referring to.  We also wanted to give readers a good chuckle, which everyone could use these days.

Humor is good when it comes to ads (and just about everything else) and if done well can really cut through the clutter and deliver the message directly to the funny bone to score major points.

We plan to develop more ads that demonstrate who we are and what we do rather than simply tell you how good we are.

Hope you all enjoy the ad as much as we enjoyed creating it.

More to come!
